

Wednesday, October 25, 2017


Gingivitis is the first stage of gum disease, and though it is reversible, this doesn’t mean that we encourage you to neglect your teeth. Gingivitis causes gums to be swollen, inflamed, and tender to touch. If gingivitis is left untreated, it can advance to periodontitis and lead to tooth loss. To prevent gingivitis, you should visit our doctors at Kidz Connextion at least twice a year for professional cleanings.

Gingivitis is an infection that occurs when harmful bacteria invade the soft tissues and bone adjacent to teeth. The warm, moist environment is a breeding ground for these bacteria. To get rid of them, you’ll need to practice proper oral hygiene habits. This includes brushing at least twice a day and flossing at least twice a day in addition to visiting us for dental exams.

If you have questions or concerns regarding gum disease, please give us a call. To learn more about our pediatric services here at the office visit for more information. To schedule an appointment in Phoenix AZ, call 623-223-1001.

Friday, October 20, 2017

Prevent Cavities

No one wants to hear that they have a cavity when they go to the dentist’s office. This is because cavities are a sign of tooth decay, and are holes in the teeth that can grow deeper over time. Cavities don’t always cause pain, but once they develop, they will need to be filled. Our doctors at Kidz Connextion are here to offer different ways to prevent cavities.  

Cavities are caused by plaque that sticks to the teeth and isn’t adequately removed. To prevent them, all you need to do is simply keep your mouth as clean as possible. We recommend carrying a portable toothbrush with you so that you can brush your teeth anywhere and anytime. Additionally, use American Dental Association (ADA) approved mouthwash to keep plaque from sticking. It’s important to know that cavities aren’t just prevented by proper oral hygiene; you’ll need to reduce your sugar intake because sugar attacks enamel and causes cavities.  

If you have questions about pediatric oral care, please give us a call. To learn more about our pediatric services here at the office visit for more information. To schedule an appointment in Phoenix AZ, call 623-223-1001.

Friday, October 13, 2017

How Parents Can Ease Children's Dental Anxiety

Ideally, children will get their first dental check-up when they are too young to remember it and continue to have regular appointments throughout their lives. But that doesn’t mean they won’t develop anxiety about seeing the dentist. At Kidz Connextion, our staff is trained to soothe children, but there are things parents can do to manage their kids’ expectations before the visit.

It’s helpful for parents to say that the dentist and hygienists are friends who will clean the child’s teeth and make sure they’re healthy. Parents should avoid implying the visit will be painful by telling the child to be brave or that they’ll get a reward for not being scared. We work to accommodate children, including those with special needs, by explaining to them the procedure and the tools we use in terms they can understand. However, it is not necessary to talk about procedures which the child may not actually need, such as fillings.

Often, when children are scared of the dentist, it is because they are picking up on anxiety from their parents. If one parent has more of an issue with dentists, it is better for the other to take the child in for the visit. The best thing to do is focus on the positives of getting a professional cleaning: a shiny smile and a strong bite.

Kidz Connextion Dental Care maintains offices around Phoenix. To find out more, visit our website at