

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Your Child & Teething

Your child was born with their complete set of primary or baby teeth. Between the ages of 6-12 months, these teeth will start to come in. Your baby's personality may take a turn as the discomfort causes irritability. They might have trouble sleeping at night and you most likely will too! Your local dentist at Kidz Connextion Dental & Braces can answer any concerns or questions you have. Visit any of our convenient locations in the Phoenix, AZ, area.

Teething is a natural and important development process for your child. It’s normal for them to experience loss of appetite, abnormal amounts of drool, irritability, trouble sleeping, and even fussiness. What isn’t normal is rashes, diarrhea, or fevers. You should contact your pediatrician if this occurs. This also applies to worrying levels of irritability.

Your Phoenix dentist recommends using teethers to soothe your child. These should be made of solid rubber, avoid liquid-filled or plastic materials. These can break and injure your child. Always pay attention to the materials. Do your research beforehand to guarantee your infants safety. Never use any sort of homeopathic teething device. For a more hands-on approach, parents may gently rub their child's gums with a cold spoon, a gauze pad, or even a clean finger.

Do not give your child any numbing gels or teething tablets. These have inconsistent results among the FDA. Numbing agents contain a chemical called Benzocaine, which is not recommended for children under the age of two. These have an assortment of risks, including a rare but fatal condition called methemoglobinemia. Reach out to your dentist or pediatrician if your baby continues to struggle with teething.

Kidz Connextion Dental & Braces is located at three locations in Phoenix, AZ. For our N. 75th St. office, call 623-223-1001. To contact N. 24th St., call 480-666-1598. Last but not least, call 480-405-4714 for E. Baseline Rd. You can also visit our website.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Flossing With Braces

If you thought flossing was difficult before, doing so with braces might seem overwhelming. In reality, flossing with braces is no harder than before. The only difference is that it’s much more important now. Braces create a variety of places for bacteria to grow. Food can get stuck in your braces even when you have the cleanest mouth. Kidz Connextion Dental & Braces have put together this helpful guide for flossing. You can also contact our offices in Phoenix, AZ, to learn more.

It’s recommended that besides brushing your teeth twice a day for two minutes, you also floss once a day. This includes when you have braces. To get under the wires, invest in a floss threader. This is a handheld dental application that you loop your floss through. It moves the floss under the wire so you can floss normally. Do this for all of your teeth. Floss picks are also available. This is a small tool with a section of floss between two prongs. They are thin enough to fit under a dental wire.

Correct flossing technique is a necessity. Getting the floss under the wire is difficult, but the actual process of flossing is important. Remove enough floss to comfortably twirl it around each of your middle fingers. Use your floss threader to get the floss into position. Position it around the tooth in a “C” shape. Move the floss up and down to fully clean the gums. Slide the floss to the neighboring tooth and repeat. Do this for all of your teeth.

There are other ways to floss your teeth. Waterpiks are dental tools that spray a stream of water at your teeth. The pressure of the water removes all debris from your braces. They even come with special add-ons for orthodontic devices. Dental tape is another alternative. This is recommended when you didn’t floss regularly before getting your braces. It’s an easier option for sensitive teeth.

Flossing is necessary for a healthy mouth. Don’t neglect this step because of your orthodontic aligners. It’s the only way to truly clean and care for your gums. If you have braces and are in need of dental care, or are considering getting braces, contact Kidz Connextion Dental & Braces. We provide orthodontic services for your entire family. To learn more, visit our website or contact one of our convenient locations in the Phoenix, AZ, area.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The Benefits Of Breastfeeding For Dental Health

Breastfeeding your newborn child or infant is a very personal decision. Each and every mother makes her own choice whether it is right for her. For those who do breastfeed, it can have a positive impact on both the mother and child's dental health. Studies have shown that it improves your child's bite and reduces the risk of baby bottle tooth decay. Learn more by contacting our dental professionals at Kidz Connextion Dental & Braces. We have three convenient locations in the Phoenix, AZ, area.

If you choose to breastfeed your baby, there are plenty of health benefits. Breast milk heightens their immune system, reducing the risk of infections, asthma, SIDS, and obesity. The mother lowers her chances of developing breast and ovarian cancer.

Several studies have been conducted that noted that babies who were only breastfed for six consecutive months had less dental issues. They reported fewer teeth alignment issues like crossbites, overbites, and open bites. This doesn’t guarantee that your child will naturally have a perfect set of teeth. It’s important for your child to still receive proper dental examinations.

Baby Bottle Tooth Decay is the term for cavities in very young children. Even babies can suffer from cavities. It’s often caused by sugary drinks supplied through bottles. Breastfeeding eliminates the need for sugary drinks like juice, milk, or formula. Again, breastfeeding doesn’t guarantee your child won’t get cavities. Breast milk contains sugar too. A few days after birth, begin washing your baby’s gums with a gauze pad or washcloth. Brushing becomes mandatory once their first tooth emerges.

For breastfeeding mothers, don’t neglect your dental health. Continue to brush and floss every day. Cavity prevention is important for mothers, as cavity-forming bacteria can be transferred from your mouth to your children. It’s also important to stay hydrated when breastfeeding. Dehydration can lead to dry mouth, posing another set of complications. Always check with your dentist or physician when taking medications and breastfeeding. Certain medications might be transferable through your breast milk.

Kidz Connextion Dental & Braces provides family-friendly dental care to everyone in the Phoenix, AZ, area. If you’re expecting or are currently breastfeeding your child, we can answer any questions you may have. Don’t forget to schedule your child’s first dental appointment with us when their teeth come in! Interested in scheduling an appointment? Visit our website to set up your appointment or learn about our different locations.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Braces & Cavities

Braces often come with a load of different complications. Not only are they uncomfortable, but it can make it difficult to keep your mouth clean. Maintaining your dental routine prevents problems like tooth decay. It might not seem fair, but you can still get cavities when you have braces. Kidz Connextion Dental & Braces have put together these helpful tips for avoiding such pitfalls. If you ever suspect you have a cavity or have any orthodontic questions, reach out to our dental experts at our Phoenix, AZ, offices.

First, what exactly is tooth decay? Residue from your food and drinks produce acid. These wear away your enamel, whose function is to protect your teeth. Bacteria are attracted to these acidy areas. They make their way through your enamel and attack the dentin. Cavities are the end result. Maneuvering your toothbrush is difficult with braces. You can’t reach all the necessary areas. That’s why patients with braces experience such an increased likelihood of tooth decay.

Following these specific steps decreases your risk of tooth decay. Start off by rinsing your mouth with water. This knocks loose any trapped debris. Begin brushing your gumline at a 45-degree angle. Then angle it down towards the brackets. Do this to the bottom of the brackets as well. Be very thorough and gentle throughout the process. Make sure you brush every single tooth. Flossing is the next step. It’s recommended that you get a floss threader. It moves the floss underneath the wire, letting you floss normally. Finally, use mouthwash to clean any leftover areas.

Your Phoenix dentists recommend flossing after every meal when you have braces. Food can easily get trapped in the tighter spaces that braces create. Ask your dental staff about which foods are safe to eat. It’s best to avoid any foods that are sticky or sugary.

Come to Kidz Connextion Dental & Braces for all your orthodontic needs. We are located in three different locations in the Phoenix, AZ, area. If you’re interested in learning more or scheduling an appointment, visit our website.