

Saturday, February 29, 2020

Baby Teeth Wipes

Your child’s health is one of the most important things. This includes their dental health! Young children are incredibly vulnerable to cavities. This is because baby teeth are much weaker than adult teeth. It’s why the staff at Kidz Connextion Dental & Braces in Phoenix, AZ, have been asked about baby teeth wipes. What exactly are they and should you use them on your child? We have the answers you’re looking for!

Baby teeth wipes are exactly what they sound like! These are small gauze pads that help clean your baby’s mouth. They remove any dangerous bacteria while supplying antimicrobial agents. They are a great way to reduce the likelihood of developing a cavity.

There are a few different types of baby teeth wipes available. It’s up to you to determine what is best for your child. Your Phoenix, AZ, dentist can also supply you with the information you need. The majority of these products contain a product called xylitol. In children between the ages of 19-35 months old, using baby teeth wipes containing xylitol reduced a large amount of cavity-causing bacteria. Just make sure you follow the instructions on the wipes packaging. Most recommend cleaning your infant’s teeth with the wipes twice a day.

Don’t forget that there are other ways to secure your child’s dental health. Following these at-home steps is essential. First, make sure you take your child to their first dental check-up. Do this after their first tooth comes in or they turn one. Even if you don’t use tooth wipes, start cleaning your baby’s gums out with a clean cloth a few days after they are born. Lastly, start brushing their teeth once they emerge. Talk to your dentist about the right-sized toothbrush and toothpaste amount.

Kidz Connextion Dental & Braces are located in three offices in the Phoenix, AZ, area. For N. 75th Avenue, call 623-232-0749. For N. 24th Street, call 480-666-5984. Lastly, for E. Baseline Road, dial 480-405-4714. You can also visit our website at

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Safe Sedation For Children

Children’s teeth are purposefully softer than their adult counterparts, allowing them to eventually fall out. Yet this is a double-edged sword, making baby teeth more susceptible to decay and infections. Certain procedures require that your child goes under anesthesia to treat. You as the parent must understand the different types of anesthesia and their risks. At Kidz Connextion Dental & Braces, we provide safe and friendly pediatric dental care. To learn more about our sedation practices, contact our offices in Phoenix, AZ.

Our practice puts your child’s health and safety above everything else. That is why we follow the latest guidelines for pediatric sedation. At all times during the procedure, two people will be in the room with your child. Both are required to know life support measures. One of these individuals is the dentist or oral surgeon. The other is a separate dental practitioner, an anesthesiologist, or a registered nurse anesthetist. This guarantees that your child is protected no matter what.

There are a few different types of sedation and anesthesia that we offer:
-General anesthesia: This puts your child completely asleep without experiencing any pain. Anesthesia professionals monitor your child while the dentist performs the dental procedure.
-Nitrous oxide: This is the least invasive and a mild form of sedation. It’s commonly called “laughing gas.” They breathe this in with oxygen to feel relaxed.
-Mild Sedation: Your Phoenix, AZ, dentist provides your child with medication. This keeps them both awake and calm. It’s helpful for older children because they can follow any instructions the dentist gives them.
-Moderate Sedation: These children are much sleepier but are still conscious. They breathe on their own and afterward wake up naturally. Most patients don’t remember the visit at all.
-Deep Sedation: This is when your child is given medication through an IV. They then sleep through the procedure. An anesthesiologist is in the room to guarantee their safety.

If your child requires a dental procedure that requires anesthesia, contact Kidz Connextion Dental & Braces today. The staff at our offices in Phoenix, AZ, can help you understand the best choice for you. To schedule an appointment at the office on N. 75th street, call 623-232-0749. For N. 24th St., dial 480-666-5984. Lastly, for the E. Baseline Road office, contact us at 480-405-4714. You can also visit our website at

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Pacifier Use & Teeth

Babies are born with a natural sucking reflex to breastfeed and survive. They stimulate their lips and suck to receive nourishment and comfort. It’s also a soothing mechanism. That’s why babies are so fond of pacifiers. But at a certain age, pacifiers should be discontinued to prevent future dental problems. Kidz Connextion Dental & Braces helps both parents and toddlers through phasing out pacifier use. Learn more by contacting our offices in Phoenix, AZ.

Around the age of 6-7 months, an infant is beginning to receive nourishment outside of breast milk/bottle feeding. This is a great opportunity to start decreasing pacifier usage. They should be completely discontinued by the time the child is 2-3 years old. Don’t wait any longer than that. Your Phoenix, AZ, pediatric dentist follows this guideline based on recent research. It states that waiting longer than 36 weeks leads to tongue thrust, malocclusion, and an overbite. Continued usage also harms the growth patterns of the mouth and roof.

There is nothing wrong with a child under the age of one using a pacifier while they sleep. If anything, it’s recommended. A sleeping baby has better protection against SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome). After a year, a night-time pacifier increases the risk of a middle ear infection. A pacifier after the age of three heightens the chances of a speech impediment and impairment.

We understand that weaning your child from pacifiers is a difficult task. That’s why we recommend it’s done gradually. Start by just allowing them when your child is napping or sleeping at night. Then transition to just giving it at night. Eventually, this is stopped altogether. Praise your child every time they don’t use their pacifier or make a fuss. Some parents have found success by telling their children that they are giving away their pacifiers to a pacifier fairy or even Santa.

Kidz Connextion Dental & Braces is a small branch of pediatric dental offices in the Phoenix, AZ, area. To schedule an appointment at the office on N. 75th street, call 623-232-0749. For N. 24th St., dial 480-666-5984. Lastly, for the E. Baseline Road office, contact us at 480-405-4714. You can also visit our website at

Wednesday, February 5, 2020


Having your child involved in a sport is a fun and great way to get exercise! But as a parent, you also worry about their safety. There is one piece of essential safety equipment that is often overlooked: the mouthguard. These protect your child’s teeth and mouth from any potential injuries. If your child is an avid athlete in need of a mouthguard, contact Kidz Connextion Dental & Braces. We are located in the Phoenix, AZ, area.

It’s a common misbelief that mouthguards should only be worn when playing contact sports. This is not true. Any child who participates in a sport benefits from the protection. They even make mouthguards that fit over braces!

There are three major types of mouthguards. Each provides a varying degree of protection. Talk to your Phoenix, AZ, dentist about which is right for your child.

The first type of mouthguard is the stock or standard type. These are pre-made and available at most sporting good stores. These are not customized to your child’s teeth, offering very little protection. They are also rather bulky which makes breathing difficult.

The second possibility for the mouthguard is called boil and bite. These fit your child better than a standard mouthguard. Found at most sporting goods stores, these are made from a special material known as thermoplastic. Place the mouthguard in hot water to soften it. Then have your child place it in their mouth. Shape the material around their teeth for a customized fit.

The third option, which is the one recommended by your Phoenix dentist, is the custom-fitted mouthguard. Your child comes in for an appointment at our office. The dentist makes an impression of your child’s teeth, which is then molded over with a special material to make the full mouthguard. This type provides the utmost protection and comfort.

Contact Kidz Connextion Dental & Braces today to set up a consultation with our dental staff. We can help you find the best mouthguard for your child. We are located in multiple offices in Phoenix, AZ. To schedule an appointment at the office on N. 75th street, call 623-232-0749. For N. 24th St., dial 480-666-5984. Lastly, for the E. Baseline Road office, contact us at 480-405-4714. You can also visit our website at

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Children & Gingivitis

Baby teeth are much softer than adult teeth. This puts them at a higher risk of dental complications, including periodontal (gum) disease. Gingivitis is the first phase. You’ll notice that your child’s gums are swollen and red, along with small amounts of blood when they rinse. You need to contact Kidz Connextion Dental & Braces right away. Treating gingivitis is a simple process that requires changes to your child’s at-home care. Learn more by contacting our offices in Phoenix, AZ.

Gingivitis is caused by an accumulation of plaque on the teeth. This is the same substance that creates cavities. When you don’t brush your teeth well or enough, and neglect flossing and dental check-ups, it gathers in large amounts. The first thing you need to do is evaluate your child’s dental hygiene habits.

First, examine their brushing habits. Children should brush after breakfast and before bed. Children over the age of five can brush by themselves. Just monitor them to make sure they are doing so correctly. Younger children need parent’s help when brushing. Make sure their toothbrush matches their age range. Replace the brush every 3-4 months.

Flossing is another task that needs to be done daily. Children over the age of ten can floss by themselves. Otherwise, you need to help your child remove excess plaque. Take about 18 inches of floss from the package. Carefully wrap it in a C shape around the tooth. Move it up and down slowly, rubbing the teeth clean. Do this for each of your child’s teeth.

Everyone should visit the dentist twice a year, every 6 months. This also goes for children. Your Phoenix, AZ, dental staff will help reverse your child’s gingivitis. They remove the plaque and polish the teeth. This makes the mouth significantly healthier.

Gum disease is a very serious condition. If left untreated, tooth loss is inevitable. Contact Kidz Connextion Dental & Braces right away. We are located across the Phoenix, AZ, area. To schedule an appointment at the office on N. 75th street, call 623-232-0749. For N. 24th St., dial 480-666-5984. Lastly, for the E. Baseline Road office, contact us at 480-405-4714. You can also visit our website at