

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Mouthwash 101

Mouthwash has been around since the beginning of the Roman empire thousands of years ago. Today, many people include mouthwash in their dental routine to feel fresh and clean. At Kidz Connextion located in Phoenix, AZ, our dentists are passionate about oral health, including the importance of mouthwash. Here’s everything you need to know about mouthwash.

Mouthwash Can’t Cure Bad Breath

Halitosis or bad breath refers to the condition where bacteria grows in your body or mouth, resulting in stinky breath. While mouthwash does transform your breath into a minty fresh, it only masks the smelly odor temporarily. Bad breath is typically an underlying symptom of many health problems such as poor hygiene, gum disease, infection, or chronic illnesses. 

Mouthwash Doesn’t Replace Brushing or Flossing

Contrary to popular belief, rinsing your mouth with mouthwash doesn’t mean ditching the toothbrush or floss. Mouthwash is an addition to your dental routine. Not everyone uses mouthwash, but everyone should be brushing and flossing their teeth regularly for good oral health. 

Mouthwash Has Different Types

Mouthwash comes in two varieties: cosmetic and therapeutic. Cosmetic mouthwashes come in several different flavors and nice scents for a temporary benefit of masking bad breath. For patients with gingivitis or dry mouth,  your Phoenix, AZ dentist prescribes therapeutic mouthwash. Therapeutic mouthwash can only be bought with a dentist’s prescription, so contact our office today for an appointment. 

Mouthwash Is Not for Children

Fluoride is a common ingredient in mouthwash. But increased fluoride exposure leads to fluorosis, a condition that affects teeth while they’re developing permanent molars. Another reason why it’s not advised for children under six years to use mouthwash is the potential to swallow the product.

Kidz Connextion has three convenient locations in Phoenix, Arizona. To schedule an appointment at 2533 N 75th St, text 623-232-0749. For our office at 2046 N 24th St, text 480-666-5984. For our office at 524 E Baseline Rd, text 480-405-4714. Or, visit Kidz Connextion on our website.

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

To Extract or Not: Wisdom Tooth Edition

Wisdom teeth are usually synonymous with pain, infection, crowding, and swollen gums. The general solution to these issues is extraction. But what if you don’t experience any of those symptoms? At Kidz Connextion located in Phoenix, AZ, we provide expert care for wisdom teeth, from extractions to dental hygiene. 

What Are Wisdom Teeth?

Wisdom teeth typically grow in the 17-25 age years, emerging in the upper and lower back areas of the mouth. Since they are the last to appear in the human mouth, they’ve garnered the title “wisdom” and presumably make you wiser. Wisdom teeth were once very useful in human history, aiding our ancestors to chew and tear tough roots, meats, nuts, and plants. But because most of the human diet today is soft and cooked foods, the need for wisdom is virtually none, with anthropologists suggesting their DNA may soon completely disappear from genetics.

When to Extract?

When a wisdom tooth can’t break through the gums or is stuck under the gums, this means it’s impacted. A wisdom tooth that grows at the wrong angle due to lack of room in the mouth also is impacted. Partially impacted wisdom teeth, which only slightly emerge from the gums are also a cause for concern. 

Your Phoenix, AZ dentist recommends an extraction when your wisdom tooth is impacted and you experience the following symptoms:



-Ulcers near the tooth

-Tooth decay

-Damage to nearby teeth

-Gum disease

-Trouble opening jaw

-Bleeding gums

-Sudden bad breath

Sometimes wisdom teeth, even if not impacted, don’t need to be removed because they cause no oral health issues. Here are examples of when you don’t need an extraction:

-Your wisdom teeth are healthy and fully grown in

-Your wisdom teeth are positioned correctly

-Your wisdom teeth are easily reached for proper dental hygiene

Kidz Connextion has three convenient locations in Phoenix, Arizona. To schedule an appointment at 2533 N 75th St, text 623-232-0749. For our office at 2046 N 24th St, text 480-666-5984. For our office at 524 E Baseline Rd, text 480-405-4714. Or, visit Kidz Connextion on our website.

Sunday, November 15, 2020

How to Clean Your Retainer

Retainers are essential for maintaining your teeth’s position after braces are removed. These dental appliances are worn lifelong to prevent the natural shifting of teeth. But irregularly sterilizing your retainer can wreak havoc on your oral health. At Kidz Connextion located in Phoenix, AZ, your dentist provides special attention to braces aftercare. Here are some tips and tricks to keep your retainer clean for an amazing smile.

There are three types of retainers on-the-market: Hawley wire, clear and permanent bonded retainers. Each retainer varies in terms of hygiene care.

Hawley Wire Retainers:

Hawley wire retainers are the standard retainers at Kidz Connextion. Made of hard acrylic or plastic with a metal wire, these retainers are removable and durable. This is why Hawley retainers are the easiest to clean.

The best way to wash your Hawley retainer is under lukewarm water and mild soap. If you notice plaque or debris on the surface of your retainer, don’t be afraid to scrub very gently with a toothbrush or cotton swab.


Clear Retainers:

Invisalign and Essix retainers both fall into this category. While clear retainers are also removable, the interior surfaces of the appliance are harder to disinfect. 

Like Hawley retainers, sanitize clear retainers soon as you remove them. When dry, bacteria and debris are harder to unclog on the surface of retainers.

Permanent Bonded Retainers:

These retainers are the hardest to clean because they’re permanently fixed to your teeth. Usually bonded to the back of the molars, these teeth are difficult to floss between the permanent retainer. Your Phoenix, AZ dentist recommends a floss threader to weave between your retainer.

Additional Tips:

Retainers need to be handled gently to preserve for long-term use. This means staying away from any harsh cleaners and rough scrubbing. 

If you want a deeper clean for your retainer or notice bacteria stuck on the surface, bring your device to our office for special cleaning.

Kidz Connextion has three convenient locations in Phoenix, Arizona. To schedule an appointment at 2533 N 75th St, text 623-232-0749. For our office at 2046 N 24th St, text 480-666-5984. For our office at 524 E Baseline Rd, text 480-405-4714. Or, visit Kidz Connextion on our website.

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Thumbsucking and Oral Health

Does your child suck their thumb? Thumbsucking is a normal reflex that many young children practice for comfort and relaxation. But prolonged thumbsucking can affect your child’s oral health, resulting in issues like misaligned teeth. With three locations in Phoenix, AZ, Kidz Connextion is passionate about your child’s oral health, from thumbsucking to cavities. Call our office today if you have any questions.

Thumbsucking and Your Child’s Teeth

Passive thumbsucking which is simply holding the thumb in the mouth doesn’t damage the teeth. But thumbsucking with a lot of motion or active thumbsucking causes misaligned teeth, damage to the roof of the mouth, and changes to the shape of the jawbone such as overbite issues. 

Thumbsucking becomes an issue when your child’s first tooth appears. Your Phoenix, AZ dentist sees patients as early as 12 months, so contact the Kidz Connextion offices to address thumbsucking right away.

How to Stop Your Child’s ThumbSucking

Typically, children stop sucking their thumbs between the ages of two to four. If thumbsucking continues past these ages, there are several ways to help wean your child off this habit:

-Include praise or positive reinforcement when your child doesn’t suck their thumb

-Focus on alleviating anxiety. Since thumbsucking is as a source of comfort when children are anxious, try to eliminate that anxiety.

-Involve your child in the process. If you have an older child who is still thumbsucking include them in the process to stop this habit, by setting gentle reminders and goals to accomplish.

If your child’s thumbsucking habit is still a concern, contact our Kidz Connextion offices in Phoenix, AZ today. Your dentist can prescribe medication or devices to hinder your child from sucking their thumb. 

Kidz Connextion has three convenient locations in Phoenix, Arizona. To schedule an appointment at 2533 N 75th St, text 623-232-0749. For our office at 2046 N 24th St, text 480-666-5984. For our office at 524 E Baseline Rd, text 480-405-4714. Or, visit Kidz Connextion on our website.

Thumbsucking and Oral Health

Does your child suck their thumb? Thumbsucking is a normal reflex that many young children practice for comfort and relaxation. But prolonged thumbsucking can affect your child’s oral health, resulting in issues like misaligned teeth. With three locations in Phoenix, AZ, Kidz Connextion is passionate about your child’s oral health, from thumbsucking to cavities. Call our office today if you have any questions.

Thumbsucking and Your Child’s Teeth

Passive thumbsucking which is simply holding the thumb in the mouth doesn’t damage the teeth. But thumbsucking with a lot of motion or active thumbsucking causes misaligned teeth, damage to the roof of the mouth, and changes to the shape of the jawbone such as overbite issues. 

Thumbsucking becomes an issue when your child’s first tooth appears. Your Phoenix, AZ dentist sees patients as early as 12 months, so contact the Kidz Connextion offices to address thumbsucking right away.

How to Stop Your Child’s ThumbSucking

Typically, children stop sucking their thumbs between the ages of two to four. If thumbsucking continues past these ages, there are several ways to help wean your child off this habit:

-Include praise or positive reinforcement when your child doesn’t suck their thumb

-Focus on alleviating anxiety. Since thumbsucking is as a source of comfort when children are anxious, try to eliminate that anxiety.

-Involve your child in the process. If you have an older child who is still thumbsucking include them in the process to stop this habit, by setting gentle reminders and goals to accomplish.

If your child’s thumbsucking habit is still a concern, contact our Kidz Connextion offices in Phoenix, AZ today. Your dentist can prescribe medication or devices to hinder your child from sucking their thumb. 

Kidz Connextion has three convenient locations in Phoenix, Arizona. To schedule an appointment at 2533 N 75th St, text 623-232-0749. For our office at 2046 N 24th St, text 480-666-5984. For our office at 524 E Baseline Rd, text 480-405-4714. Or, visit Kidz Connextion on our website.