

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Extraction Site Preservation

Sometimes pulling teeth is a necessary procedure for overcrowding in the mouth or infection due to tooth decay. It isn’t a procedure to be taken lightly. Like wisdom teeth removal, where the teeth are located in the back of the mouth and sutures are used, the tooth extraction site essentially becomes an open wound and one that needs to be monitored and given time to heal. We at Kidz Connextion Dental & Braces in Phoenix, AZ, understand that getting a tooth pulled isn’t very pleasant, but we are committed to making the procedure and healing process as comfortable as possible for all patients.

If you ever think your healing process doesn’t feel normal, you should contact our office. Signs of complications include:

- Cough, shortness of breath, or chest pain

- Severe nausea or vomiting

- Redness, swelling, or excessive discharge from the extraction site

- Signs of infection, such as fever and chills

Something else to keep in mind when removing teeth is what to do with that open space once it has healed. If a tooth is removed and nothing is done to the extraction site, your jaw bone will degenerate and change shape while the site heals. This can create problems in your bite and may affect chewing and speaking. Make sure you and your dentist come up with a plan to fill this space.

We are happy to address any questions or concerns you might have. Kidz Connextion Dental & Braces has three separate offices in the Phoenix, AZ, area for your convenience. For more information about our services or to schedule an appointment, please visit You can also call 623-232-0749 for our N. 75th Ave. office, 480-666-5984 for the N. 24th St. office, and 480-405-4714 for the E. Baseline Rd. office.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Digital X-Rays

The advancements in dental technology make it easier for dentists to deliver efficient care and diagnoses to their patients. One such advancement is digital x-rays, which are a staple in dental practices all over the country. We at Kidz Connextion Dental & Braces in Phoenix, AZ, are always looking to stay up to date with the latest technology, products, and treatments. Digital x-rays allow dentists to look more closely at your teeth than ever before!

A digital x-ray takes an image of your teeth and puts it into an imaging program. With special tools exclusive to this imaging program, your dedicated dentist can take a closer look at your teeth with impeccable accuracy. Digital x-rays emit 80% less radiation than a standard x-ray since they are actually sensitive to radiation. This is a great benefit since the patient is exposed to less radiation. Digital x-rays can be classified as intraoral (inside the mouth) or extraoral (outside the mouth), though intraoral x-rays are the most commonly taken.

Intraoral x-rays allow us to:

- Observe the status of developing teeth
- Monitor tooth health
- Look at the tooth roots
- Find cavities
- Check the health of the bony area around the tooth
- Determine if there are signs of periodontal disease

We are happy to address any questions or concerns you might have. Kidz Connextion Dental & Braces has three separate offices in the Phoenix, AZ, area for your convenience. For more information about our services or to schedule an appointment, please visit You can also call 623-232-0749 for our N. 75th Ave. office, 480-666-5984 for the N. 24th St. office, and 480-405-4714 for the E. Baseline Rd. office.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Space Maintainers

If your child loses a baby tooth earlier than expected or needs it removed due to other complications, they will require a Space Maintainer. These keep the space secure for when the adult tooth does erupt from the gum line. If your child needs a space maintainer, contact Kidz Connextion Dental & Braces right away. We have various offices in the Phoenix, AZ, area that can accommodate your needs.

It’s important to understand why exactly your child requires a space maintainer before having it done. The baby teeth are important for the healthy development of the mouth. The baby tooth is what guides its adult counterpart into place. When it’s missing, other teeth will try to accommodate for the gap. Teeth that move or partially obstruct the gum prevent the adult tooth from erupting normally. The space maintainer prevents all of that from happening.

There are two types of space maintainers available: removable and fixed. Your Phoenix, AZ, dentist will recommend which is best for your child. Removable maintainers are often made of acrylic and are very similar to orthodontic apparatuses. Fixed maintainers come in four separate kinds: unilateral, crown and loop, lingual, and distal shoe.

The unilateral and crown and loop space maintainers work similarly. These are placed on one side of the mouth to keep the space open. A crown and loop consist of an actual crown placed on an adjacent tooth. The loop attaches to the crown and extends over the space, protecting it from other teeth. The unilateral wraps around the perimeter of the nearby tooth and use a metal loop to keep the space clear.

The distal shoe is a more advanced space maintainer, commonly used with molars. The end of the maintainer is inserted into the gum line.

The lingual space maintainer connects the molars to the front tire with a wire.

Kidz Connextion Dental & Braces top-tier pediatric dental services. We have three separate offices located in the Phoenix, AZ, area. Visit to learn more about our services or schedule an appointment. Call 623-232-0749 for our N. 75th Ave. office, 480-666-5984 for N. 24th St., and 480-405-4714 for E. Baseline Rd.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Dry Socket

Children, just like adults, can require a tooth extraction. Parents need to take good care of their child’s extraction site afterward, otherwise, they are at risk of developing a dry socket. A dry socket is when the blood clot doesn’t form normally after tooth removal. The best thing you can do is follow all the instructions given by your dental team at Kidz Connextion Dental & Braces. Located in various offices across the Phoenix, AZ, area, our professional pediatric dentists are here for you.

You need a proper blood socket to form after an extraction. This is what keeps out harmful bacteria and pathogens. Your Phoenix, AZ, dentist will give you pain medication to administer to your child. Pay attention to complaints of severe pain that doesn’t diminish. This can indicate the development of a dry socket. Look for these symptoms:

-A visible lack of a blood clot in the socket
-Low-grade fever
-Bad breath
-Pain radiating from the tooth into other areas of the face, head, and neck

The best treatment for dry sockets is prevention. Avoid letting your child drink anything with a straw. Also, try to have them avoid spitting. Contact us right away with symptoms of a dry socket. We may advise a change in their prescriptions, along with providing them medical gauze for the socket.

Kidz Connextion Dental & Braces top-tier pediatric dental services. We have three separate offices located in the Phoenix, AZ, area. Visit to learn more about our services or schedule an appointment. Call 623-232-0749 for our N. 75th Ave. office, 480-666-5984 for N. 24th St., and 480-405-4714 for E. Baseline Rd.