

Thursday, June 24, 2021

Importance of Dental Hygiene

Kids hear it, the neighbor hears it, grandma hears it: take care of your teeth! It goes for everyone, especially if you are going through orthodontic treatment. Avoid complications by brushing and flossing daily and seeing your dentist yearly for professional cleanings. Kidz Connextion Dental & Braces in Phoenix, AZ, takes pride in educating patients about the importance of proper oral hygiene. Help us help you keep your smile looking good for years to come!

Did you know that there is a connection between oral health and overall health? Sometimes what’s going on inside your mouth can be an indicator of what’s going on inside your body, and vice versa. Mayo Clinic says “Studies suggest that oral bacteria and the inflammation associated with a severe form of gum disease (periodontitis) might play a role in some diseases.” Some diseases, like diabetes and HIV/AIDS, have the potential to lower the body’s resistance to infection, causing oral issues to be more severe in patients afflicted with these diseases. On the other hand, patients with poor dental hygiene are at a higher risk for problems like cardiovascular disease or pneumonia.

For good oral hygiene, try to:

-Brush and floss twice a day
-Use mouthwash after brushing and flossing
-Eat a healthy diet with plenty of fibrous foods to act as “nature’s toothbrush”
-Limit sugar and acidic beverages
-Replace your toothbrush every three months
-Schedule regular checkups and cleanings with your dentist
-Avoid chewing or smoking tobacco products

We are happy to address any questions or concerns you have. Kidz Connextion Dental & Braces has three separate offices in the Phoenix, AZ, area for your convenience. For more information about our services or to schedule an appointment, please visit You can also call 623-232-0749 for our N. 75th St. office, 480-666-5984 for the N. 24th St. office, and 480-405-4714 for the E. Baseline Rd. office.

Saturday, June 19, 2021

Plaque and Tartar

You’ve doubtlessly heard about the dangers of plaque and tartar. These build-ups on teeth can contribute to cavities and stains, and your child needs to brush and floss their teeth everyday to prevent them. But you may not be clear on what the exact difference between plaque and tartar is, or whether one is a bigger problem than the other. At Kidz Connextion in Phoenix, we consider dental education to be one of our most important duties. We thought it would be a good idea to go over the basic aspects of how dental build-up develops, and why tooth brushing is one of the most important things you can teach your child to keep them healthy.

Our mouths are home to millions of bacteria. Most of them are helpful or harmless, but some of them produce acid when they eat the food that gets stuck to our teeth. Our teeth are always covered with saliva, and plaque is the name we give to the acidic mixture of saliva and bacteria that develops when the bacteria are allowed to increase in number. Bacterial acid causes teeth to decay and our gums to recede, and over time, it may cause cavities to grow and teeth to become unstable. When plaque hardens, it becomes tartar, which is the solid yellow mineral coating we see on the edges of teeth if we don’t floss often enough. Tartar further contributes to gum recession, which may be difficult to reverse.

The best thing your children can do to remove plaque is brush their teeth at least twice a day. Dentists recommend brushing babies' teeth as soon as the first one erupts. Children’s teeth, in particular, tend to be softer and more vulnerable to decay, and before they get orthodontic treatment, it’s harder to clean every side of every tooth. Regular dental appointments give us an opportunity to remove tartar and teach proper brushing technique, reducing children’s risk of developing toothaches and needing expensive fillings.

Kidz Connextion has three convenient locations in Phoenix, Arizona. To schedule an appointment at 2533 N 75th St, text 623-232-0749. For our office at 2046 N 24th St, text 480-666-5984. For our office at 524 E Baseline Rd, text 480-405-4714. Or, visit Kidz Connextion on our website.

Thursday, June 10, 2021


 Kidz Connextion Dental & Braces in Phoenix, AZ, takes pride in helping patients achieve their best, confidence-boosting smile. For patients with missing teeth, we offer both full and partial dentures. Dentures are designed to replace missing teeth as well as the surrounding tissues. They are custom made, removable, and significantly improve the function and appearance of your smile. You can even eat and sleep with them! Your trusted Phoenix, AZ dentist will ensure that your new dentures fit your mouth properly and comfortably.

Full dentures are either “conventional” or “immediate.” Conventional dentures are made after the teeth have been completely removed from the gum tissue and the healing process has had a chance to begin. After that time, this type of full denture is placed in the mouth for eight to twelve weeks. Immediate dentures are made in advance and can be positioned as soon as the teeth are removed. This is a great alternative to conventional dentures because the wearer doesn’t have to go without teeth during the healing process. Partial dentures are also removable and are used when one or more teeth remain in the upper or lower jaw. This type of denture requires crowns on the teeth on either side of the space to attach artificial teeth and a cemented-in bridge. Partial dentures fill in the open spaces so that the remaining teeth cannot shift, and they appear more natural-looking than full dentures.

Other benefits of full and partial dentures include:

-Facial muscle support

-Allows patients to eat food they couldn’t eat without teeth

-Improves the ability to chew, eat, and speak

-Improves appearance and smile

-Improves self-esteem and confidence

Do you think you could benefit from dentures? We are happy to address any questions or concerns you may have. Kidz Connextion Dental & Braces has three separate offices in the Phoenix, AZ, area for your convenience. For more information about our services or to schedule an appointment, please visit You can also call 623-232-0749 for our N. 75th St. office, 480-666-5984 for the N. 24th St. office, and 480-405-4714 for the E. Baseline Rd. office.

Thursday, June 3, 2021

Crown Lengthening

 Do you feel like you have a “gummy” smile? In other words, are your teeth covered by excess gum tissue? Kidz Connextion Dental & Braces in Phoenix, AZ, is committed to helping patients feel confident and happy with their smiles. We are excited to offer crown lengthening to bring out the fullness of your teeth!

The crown lengthening procedure involves reshaping your gum line as well as the bone around the affected tooth or teeth. This creates a more balanced gum to tooth ratio. The great thing about crown lengthening is that it can be performed on as many or as little affected teeth there are in the patient’s mouth. One tooth with excess gum tissue can be reshaped or a whole gum line can be reshaped, depending on the patient.

In addition to your smile becoming more aesthetically pleasing, crown lengthening also improves the overall health of your gums. The edge of the restoration is sturdy enough to withstand brushing and flossing to prevent tooth decay and gum disease. 

Are you interested in learning more about the crown lengthening procedure? We are happy to address any questions or concerns you have. Kidz Connextion Dental & Braces has three separate offices in the Phoenix, AZ, area for your convenience. For more information about our services or to schedule an appointment, please visit You can also call 623-232-0749 for our N. 75th St. office, 480-666-5984 for the N. 24th St. office, and 480-405-4714 for the E. Baseline Rd. office.