

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Safe Sedation with Nitrous Oxide

At Kidz Connextion, Dr. John Graneto safely uses nitrous oxide, sometimes called “laughing gas,” to control patient pain and anxiety during a procedure. It is not intended to put your child to sleep and he or she will be able to hear and respond to any requests or directions Dr. Graneto may have. Your child’s speech may be slightly slurred, and responses may be slower than usual, but in general, this practice is safe and should leave your child feeling relaxed and cooperative.

For people who avoid dentists like the plague, or for the restless child in the dental chair, sedation dentistry can be used for everything from invasive procedures to a simple tooth cleaning. How it’s used depends on the severity of the fear. To administer nitrous oxide Dr. John Graneto will ask the patient to breathe normally through the nose, and within a few short minutes, he or she should start to feel the effects of nitrous oxide. It’s normal to feel light-headed or a tingling in the arms and legs. Ultimately, the goal is to feel calm and comfortable.

If you have questions about sedation dentistry or nitrous oxide, please give us a call. To learn more about our pediatric services here at the office visit for more information. To schedule an appointment in Phoenix AZ, call 623-223-1001.

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