

Wednesday, March 22, 2017


At Kidz Connextion DentalCare, our patients’ youth is no reason to skimp on the latest technology. Our equipment not only improves our ability to monitor our patients’ health, it is also designed with the patient’s comfort in mind. One of the primary examples of this is our Panorex digital x-ray machine.

Traditional photographic x-rays required patients to hold film inside their mouths while a series of photographs was taken. This was uncomfortable, time-consuming, and produced images which needed to be scanned before we could use our dental imaging software. The Panorex eliminates these problems. Patients simply have to bite with their front teeth on a bite blocker while resting their chin on a ledge, and the machine’s panels will rotate around their head. The process takes less than twenty seconds but produces a 360⁰ view of their mouth.

Patients will still need to remove any metal objects from their person and wear a protective covering, but Panorex machines produce far less radiation than photographic x-rays. The images allow us to better monitor the eruption of children’s wisdom and canine teeth so we’ll know if orthodontics or extractions will be necessary.

Kidz Connextion Dental Care maintains offices around Phoenix. To find out more, visit our website at

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