

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Lip Sucking

Lip sucking and biting are some common childhood habits which can negatively affect the teeth as well as the soft tissue. For the purpose of this blog post, we’ll just focus on lip sucking as a habit instead of the biting some children do while numb, but we can advise parents about either problem.

As is the case with tongue thrusting and thumb sucking, sucking on the bottom lip can cause children to develop an overbite. However, it can also be done in response to discomfort from an existing overbite or as a habit that developed following prolonged stress. Lip sucking also tends to cause the lip to become chapped and swollen. If done for a long time, it can cause nerve damage and push the lower incisors backward.

Children who habitually suck their lips can usually be observed doing so, but it’s still worth-while to eliminate other reasons for their lips to be swollen, such as allergies. Usually, drawing the child’s attention to the habit and encouragement to break it is all that is needed, but sometimes a speech specialist needs to be consulted. An orthodontic device called a lip bumper can be used when the front teeth need more room to move back into position.

Kidz Connextion Dental Care maintains offices around Phoenix. To find out more, visit our website at


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