

Saturday, August 26, 2017

Back to School Check-Up

We recommend that children get dental examinations twice a year, and there’s hardly a better time than when kids are going back to school. Tooth decay is very common in children; the Center for Disease Control estimates that 13% of teenagers and 20% of preteens are currently suffering from tooth decay. The National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research estimates that 21% of preteens have experienced a cavity in a permanent tooth and 42% of preteens have had a cavity in a baby tooth. These statistics tend to be worse for children who don’t get to the dentist regularly.

Dental problems only get worse if left alone. Decay could progress to the point where a crown would need to be replaced, or the child would have to undergo a root canal in order to prevent an abscess from developing. Even if the decay is stopped before necessitating a major procedure during the middle of the school year, the pain from it can cause children to be distracted from their studies and to sleep poorly and be irritable. Dental examinations provide an opportunity to treat children with sealants, further protecting them from decay, and to assess whether the child will need orthodontics soon.

Kidz Connextion Dental Care maintains offices around Phoenix. To find out more, visit our website at


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