

Friday, December 15, 2017

Intraoral Cameras

At Kidz Connextion, we take pride in using the best technology available to our patients.  The intraoral camera is an exciting tool that allows the mouth to be seen from previously impossible angles. This technology has proven very helpful in capturing images needed for procedure approval from insurance companies, but it will also change the typical dental office visit.

The tiny camera’s view is projected onto a monitor, making the same angle of the mouth visible to both doctor and patient at once. These views can help patients who don’t know a premolar from an incisor describe any problem area more accurately.  This can be especially helpful for kids just learning about their teeth and how to care for them.  Providing more details can also help any patient better understand and follow their dentists’ plan of care for their mouth.

If you have questions about the technology we use or services we provide, give us a call at 623-223-1001.  Kidz Connextion Dental Care maintains offices around Phoenix.  To find out more, visit our website at

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