

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Losing the First Tooth

If your kid is turning into a big kid, losing the first baby tooth is on the horizon.  It’s an exciting sign of growing up, but many kids still feel anxious or uncomfortable dealing with the unfamiliar sensation of a loose tooth.  Kidz Connextion wants kids and parents to be prepared and understand why this pain occurs so your child can still have a positive tooth loss experience.

Before a baby tooth is lost, it begins to break free of its nerve endings.  This is the natural process that makes the tooth feel loose and wobbly at the gums, and the area will become swollen and red.  It can be painful, and for kids a great way to soothe tooth pain is applying a cold compress to the outside of the mouth in the affected area.  Children may complain that they find it hard to bite or chew with loose or missing teeth.  It’s still important to keep eating healthy while they grow new teeth so encourage soup, pureed fruits, and cooked vegetables.  A few tales of the tooth fairy can usually ease a little pain, too!

To learn more about tooth loss and the services we provide at the practice, give us a call at 623-223-1001.  Kidz Connextion Dental Care maintains offices around Phoenix.  To find out more, visit our website at

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