

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Losing The First Tooth

Children first begin to lose their baby teeth between the ages of six and seven. It’s a very exciting and memorable experience for children and parents alike! It can also cause unnecessary anxiety. At Kidz Connextion Dental & Braces, we want your child to have a positive experience. That’s why we’ve provided a small guide for losing the first tooth.

Every child is unique, but we don't have to tell you that! Parents shouldn't be too worried if their child loses teeth earlier or later than usual. It really all depends on how old your child was when their teeth came in. If they came in earlier, they’ll start to lose them earlier. The same goes for children whose teeth came in late.

Most infants receive their first tooth around the age of six months old. From then on they get three to four teeth every few months. By the age of two or so, your child should have all twenty baby teeth. Baby teeth will loosen approximately in the order they came in. Often, it goes bottom two middle teeth, top two middle teeth, canines, first molars, and second molars. All of the baby teeth should be gone by the ages of eleven to thirteen.

Your child may be frightened by the sensation of the loose tooth. For it to fall out, the nerve endings begin to disconnect. It makes the tooth feel wiggly and strange. The gums often become inflamed and painful. If your child complains of pain, apply a cold compress to the corresponding area on their face. Complaints of pain when eating can be met by supplementing their diet with softer, healthier food alternatives.

Kidz Connextion Dental & Braces has three locations in the Phoenix, AZ, area. Contact each individual location to schedule an appointment. Walk-ins are always welcome! Visit our website to learn more.

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