

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Tongue-Tied In Infants

When most people say they are tongue-tied, they are being metaphorical. Many don’t realize that this is an actual condition. Tongue-tied, also known as ankyloglossia, is a condition present at birth. A tongue-tied baby has an abnormally thick or short frenulum, the tissue connecting the tongue’s tip to the floor of the mouth. This interferes with breastfeeding, eating, swallowing, and speaking. If your child is struggling with any of these activities, schedule an appointment with Kidz Connextion Dental & Braces today. We have three offices in the Phoenix, AZ, area.

Prevention is the key to a healthy life. Identifying and treating this medical issue in your infant is incredibly important. The earlier that intervention is provided the less chance for problems to manifest.

You’ll likely notice signs of your baby being tongue-tied right away. It has a direct response to your child’s ability to breastfeed. The most noticeable is problems with them drinking any of the milk supply. Without a properly working tongue, they will take in much less milk than normal. Your child will struggle to thrive, bond, and might even refuse to breastfeed. Physically it leads to problems digesting solids and even sleeping.

The mother experiences a handful of painful circumstances when trying to breastfeed. Their nipples become damaged or chapped, with bleeding even occurring. Many times the nipples end up distorted or blocked too. It’s also uncomfortable having your baby try to latch.

The best course of treatment is removing this abnormal tissue from the mouth. It’s a quick procedure done with a medical laser. It is a very fast procedure and we encourage parents to attend.

Kidz Connextion Dental & Braces is located in three offices in the Phoenix, AZ, area. You can visit our website to learn more about our services. We’re also available for appointments over the phone. Call 623-232-0749 for our N. 75th Ave office, 480-666-5984 for N. 24th St., and 480-405-4714 for 7th St. and Baseline Rd.

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