Do I Need a Tooth Extraction
When your child needs a tooth extraction, Dr. John Graneto of Kids Connextion in Phoenix, AZ has an office that is convenient for you to visit. With three offices: 2533 N 75 Ave, 2046 N 24th St, and 2046 N 24th St, it is easy to get an appointment for an evaluation.
All dentists try to preserve a tooth. Every effort is made to correct whatever the problem is without having to perform a tooth extraction. With children, their teeth often come out on their own. Baby teeth fall out regularly as adult teeth come in. But, for some children or teens, adult teeth need to be extracted and there are a few reasons why that might be necessary.
Why do teeth need to be extracted?
Excess decay is one reason why a tooth may need to be extracted. The preferred treatment for decay is to remove the decay and fill the tooth. However, if the tooth is too damaged, that may not be possible.
Impacted teeth are frequently a concern with wisdom teeth. They are the farthest back four molars and in many teens' mouths there is no room for the teeth to fit, and they cannot come out of the gums correctly.
Crowding is another reason why teeth may need to be extracted. When there is not enough room in the mouth, the teeth will shift and crooked teeth are a dental hygiene issue.
Orthodontics typically requires that some teeth be extracted in order for the teeth to be correctly positioned.
Trauma is another common cause of extraction. It can be a sports injury or the result of a car accident or some other trauma to the mouth. The result is tooth extraction and Dr. Graneto of Kids Connextion in Phoenix, AZ is the doctor to visit.
Infection can get under the tooth and cause an abscess. Some infections will respond to antibiotics, but others will not, and they end up causing a lot of pain.
If it is determined that a tooth extraction is necessary, today's modern procedures make it a fairly easy and relatively painless procedure from which recovery only takes a few days.
When your child needs a tooth extraction, Dr. Graneto of Kids Connextion in Phoenix, AZ will give you the peace of mind you need to go ahead with the procedure. Call one of their three offices, 2533 N 75 Ave (602) 833-5286, 2046 N 24th St (480) 405-3635, and 524 E Baseline Rd (480) 405-3387 for an appointment.