

Saturday, March 26, 2022

What is a Panorex?

 Panorex is a panoramic x-ray that will take an image of the entire mouth, all of your teeth and surrounding structures at the same time. These are two-dimensional images that can show problems in the mouth beyond just cavities. Think of a panoramic picture. A panorex provides a full view of the scenery in your entire mouth in just one image. When treating children, panoramic x-ray images are more useful as they can detect any developmental issues that may be occurring in the mouth. Dr. John Graneto from Kids Connextion in Phoenix, AZ uses panorex to detect any abnormalities that may be developing in the mouth as well as using it for preventive care.

What is a panorex?

panorex is an x-ray tool that provides a full image of the entire contents of your child's oral cavity. A panorex can take a two-dimensional panoramic image of the full mouth, rather than just a few teeth at a time. A panorex takes a picture of not just the teeth, but the surrounding bones, structures of the jaw (both upper and lower), the temporomandibular joint, nasal sinuses, and more. These are all things that traditional x-rays are not able to provide images of.

What can a panorex be used to look for?

Dr. John Graneto from Kids Connextion in PhoenixAZ uses panorex to diagnose and treat several different conditions, including:

  • Detection of oral cancer
  • Temporomandibular joint disorder
  • Wisdom teeth impaction
  • Detection of sinus problems causing tooth pain
  • Normal development of both the teeth and jaw
  • Gum disease
  • Assessing the need for and monitoring of dental restorations
  • Orthodontic assessments including the number, position, and growth of teeth that have not yet emerged above the jawline.

What is the process like?

It is simple and painless. Panorex films are taken by a machine that rotates around the head in just several seconds. The machine can be positioned for someone standing or sitting if the patient is unable to stand. The patient is likely to need to bite down on a special tool that has the function of maintaining the head in the proper position. But the picture taken relies on the machine itself, not on those disposable x-ray film discs historically inserted into the mouth at several different positions. Gagging and discomfort are eliminated by the procedure that used to accompany holding an x-ray film in the mouth.

Contact us for more information

Dr. John Graneto from Kids Connextion in PhoenixAZ uses panorex for the preventive and diagnostic care of your child's mouth. It makes going to the dentist a bit less scary! Schedule a consultation for your child with us by calling one of our three locations. Our 75th Avenue location can be reached at (623) 232-0749, our 24th Street location is reached by calling (480) 666-5984, and our Baseline Road location is reached at (480) 405-4714.

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