Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Your dentist at Kidz Connextion Dental & Braces is experienced with fluoride. This includes knowledge of how much fluoride is normal and what you can do to prevent fluorosis.
The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends breastfeeding for children ranging from newborn to three-years-old. Breastmilk has all the nutritional value needed for a child. This makes it good for their teeth. Only when your infant’s teeth start to come in should you begin brushing. Never use an amount of toothpaste bigger than a grain of rice.
For children between the ages of three and eight-years-old, dentists recommend brushing twice a day. Make sure to monitor your child so that they don’t use more than a pea-sized amount of toothpaste. Eating or swallowing fluoride products like toothpaste puts them at risk for fluorosis. You shouldn’t have a child younger than six-years-old use mouthwash for this reason. They may end up swallowing the product.
It’s important to note that developing fluorosis isn’t a death sentence. Fluorosis only happens while the teeth are developing under the gums. Once your child’s teeth fully emerge, the chances disappear. Just remember that fluoride is a mineral that occurs in many sources, from dental products to your drinking water.
Kidz Connextion Dental & Braces provide quality pediatric dental care. We have three offices spread across the Phoenix, AZ area. Visit our website to learn more about our services or schedule an appointment. Call 623-232-0749 for our N. 75th Ave office, 480-666-5984 for N. 24th St., and 480-405-4714 for 7th St. and Baseline Rd.
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Tongue-Tied In Infants
Prevention is the key to a healthy life. Identifying and treating this medical issue in your infant is incredibly important. The earlier that intervention is provided the less chance for problems to manifest.
You’ll likely notice signs of your baby being tongue-tied right away. It has a direct response to your child’s ability to breastfeed. The most noticeable is problems with them drinking any of the milk supply. Without a properly working tongue, they will take in much less milk than normal. Your child will struggle to thrive, bond, and might even refuse to breastfeed. Physically it leads to problems digesting solids and even sleeping.
The mother experiences a handful of painful circumstances when trying to breastfeed. Their nipples become damaged or chapped, with bleeding even occurring. Many times the nipples end up distorted or blocked too. It’s also uncomfortable having your baby try to latch.
The best course of treatment is removing this abnormal tissue from the mouth. It’s a quick procedure done with a medical laser. It is a very fast procedure and we encourage parents to attend.
Kidz Connextion Dental & Braces is located in three offices in the Phoenix, AZ, area. You can visit our website to learn more about our services. We’re also available for appointments over the phone. Call 623-232-0749 for our N. 75th Ave office, 480-666-5984 for N. 24th St., and 480-405-4714 for 7th St. and Baseline Rd.
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Sippy Cups
The whole point of a sippy cup is that your child learns to sip instead of suck. Avoid buying “no-spill” cups for this reason exactly. What you want is a cup with a removable lid that contains a spout. Cups with valves aren’t any different from bottles. You should also only purchase cups with two handles. This gives your baby more stability and control when drinking. Lastly, a cup with a weighted base that avoids spills.
Like anything new, your baby will need time and patience to master a sippy cup. Be calm and consistent with the sippy cup usage. Many parents find success by starting small, using them while outside the home or between meals. Mealtimes are another great opportunity. You’ll want to start by only having a small amount of liquid in the cups. This minimizes spilling while making it easier to hold. Just be careful about letting your toddler walk around with their sippy cup. This results in oral injuries.
If you need a pediatric dentist or want to learn more helpful tips, contact Kidz Connextion Dental & Braces. Visit our website to learn more about our services. We have three locations in the Phoenix, AZ area. Call 623-232-0749 for our N. 75th Ave office, 480-666-5984 for N. 24th St., and 480-405-4714 for 7th St. and Baseline Rd.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Dry Mouth in Children
Recognizing dry mouth symptoms in your child is key. Look and pay attention to any complaints of a dry tongue, parched throat, cracked lips, and overall staleness. Children are much more sensitive to these symptoms. They also don’t have the same level of communication skills as adults do. That means it’s up to you as the parent to be aware of these things. Keep on the lookout for increased oral pain, higher frequency of tooth decay, and difficulties eating, drinking, and talking.
Your Phoenix, AZ, dentist offers a few reasons your child has dry mouth. The most common are medications and certain autoimmune diseases. Other medical treatments, like chemotherapy, is another option. It’s also possible that it’s just a normal part of the growing process. Even if this is the case, it’s best to have them examined by a dental professional.
If you can figure out the cause, then a remedy is easily available. There are a few things you can do in the meantime to improve the dryness. First, make sure that your child is getting enough water. When your body doesn’t produce enough saliva, dry mouth is the result. The wetter the mouth is the more saliva is produced. You should also minimize how much caffeine your child is ingesting. Sugar is known for drying out the mouth. Lastly, sugarless gum is also a good way to stimulate your child’s salivary glands. Talk to your pediatric dentist about dental products that target dry mouth symptoms. Your child can benefit from specialized toothpaste and mouthwash.
Schedule an appointment with Kidz Connextion Dental & Braces right away. If left untreated, dry mouth leads to cavities and even gum disease. We have three offices in the Phoenix, AZ, area to choose from. Visit our website to learn more! We’re also available for appointments over the phone. Call 623-232-0749 for our N. 75th Ave office, 480-666-5984 for N. 24th St., and 480-405-4714 for 7th St. and Baseline Rd.
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Your Child & Teething
Teething is a natural and important development process for your child. It’s normal for them to experience loss of appetite, abnormal amounts of drool, irritability, trouble sleeping, and even fussiness. What isn’t normal is rashes, diarrhea, or fevers. You should contact your pediatrician if this occurs. This also applies to worrying levels of irritability.
Your Phoenix dentist recommends using teethers to soothe your child. These should be made of solid rubber, avoid liquid-filled or plastic materials. These can break and injure your child. Always pay attention to the materials. Do your research beforehand to guarantee your infants safety. Never use any sort of homeopathic teething device. For a more hands-on approach, parents may gently rub their child's gums with a cold spoon, a gauze pad, or even a clean finger.
Do not give your child any numbing gels or teething tablets. These have inconsistent results among the FDA. Numbing agents contain a chemical called Benzocaine, which is not recommended for children under the age of two. These have an assortment of risks, including a rare but fatal condition called methemoglobinemia. Reach out to your dentist or pediatrician if your baby continues to struggle with teething.
Kidz Connextion Dental & Braces is located at three locations in Phoenix, AZ. For our N. 75th St. office, call 623-223-1001. To contact N. 24th St., call 480-666-1598. Last but not least, call 480-405-4714 for E. Baseline Rd. You can also visit our website.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Flossing With Braces
It’s recommended that besides brushing your teeth twice a day for two minutes, you also floss once a day. This includes when you have braces. To get under the wires, invest in a floss threader. This is a handheld dental application that you loop your floss through. It moves the floss under the wire so you can floss normally. Do this for all of your teeth. Floss picks are also available. This is a small tool with a section of floss between two prongs. They are thin enough to fit under a dental wire.
Correct flossing technique is a necessity. Getting the floss under the wire is difficult, but the actual process of flossing is important. Remove enough floss to comfortably twirl it around each of your middle fingers. Use your floss threader to get the floss into position. Position it around the tooth in a “C” shape. Move the floss up and down to fully clean the gums. Slide the floss to the neighboring tooth and repeat. Do this for all of your teeth.
There are other ways to floss your teeth. Waterpiks are dental tools that spray a stream of water at your teeth. The pressure of the water removes all debris from your braces. They even come with special add-ons for orthodontic devices. Dental tape is another alternative. This is recommended when you didn’t floss regularly before getting your braces. It’s an easier option for sensitive teeth.
Flossing is necessary for a healthy mouth. Don’t neglect this step because of your orthodontic aligners. It’s the only way to truly clean and care for your gums. If you have braces and are in need of dental care, or are considering getting braces, contact Kidz Connextion Dental & Braces. We provide orthodontic services for your entire family. To learn more, visit our website or contact one of our convenient locations in the Phoenix, AZ, area.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
The Benefits Of Breastfeeding For Dental Health
If you choose to breastfeed your baby, there are plenty of health benefits. Breast milk heightens their immune system, reducing the risk of infections, asthma, SIDS, and obesity. The mother lowers her chances of developing breast and ovarian cancer.
Several studies have been conducted that noted that babies who were only breastfed for six consecutive months had less dental issues. They reported fewer teeth alignment issues like crossbites, overbites, and open bites. This doesn’t guarantee that your child will naturally have a perfect set of teeth. It’s important for your child to still receive proper dental examinations.
Baby Bottle Tooth Decay is the term for cavities in very young children. Even babies can suffer from cavities. It’s often caused by sugary drinks supplied through bottles. Breastfeeding eliminates the need for sugary drinks like juice, milk, or formula. Again, breastfeeding doesn’t guarantee your child won’t get cavities. Breast milk contains sugar too. A few days after birth, begin washing your baby’s gums with a gauze pad or washcloth. Brushing becomes mandatory once their first tooth emerges.
For breastfeeding mothers, don’t neglect your dental health. Continue to brush and floss every day. Cavity prevention is important for mothers, as cavity-forming bacteria can be transferred from your mouth to your children. It’s also important to stay hydrated when breastfeeding. Dehydration can lead to dry mouth, posing another set of complications. Always check with your dentist or physician when taking medications and breastfeeding. Certain medications might be transferable through your breast milk.
Kidz Connextion Dental & Braces provides family-friendly dental care to everyone in the Phoenix, AZ, area. If you’re expecting or are currently breastfeeding your child, we can answer any questions you may have. Don’t forget to schedule your child’s first dental appointment with us when their teeth come in! Interested in scheduling an appointment? Visit our website to set up your appointment or learn about our different locations.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Braces & Cavities
First, what exactly is tooth decay? Residue from your food and drinks produce acid. These wear away your enamel, whose function is to protect your teeth. Bacteria are attracted to these acidy areas. They make their way through your enamel and attack the dentin. Cavities are the end result. Maneuvering your toothbrush is difficult with braces. You can’t reach all the necessary areas. That’s why patients with braces experience such an increased likelihood of tooth decay.
Following these specific steps decreases your risk of tooth decay. Start off by rinsing your mouth with water. This knocks loose any trapped debris. Begin brushing your gumline at a 45-degree angle. Then angle it down towards the brackets. Do this to the bottom of the brackets as well. Be very thorough and gentle throughout the process. Make sure you brush every single tooth. Flossing is the next step. It’s recommended that you get a floss threader. It moves the floss underneath the wire, letting you floss normally. Finally, use mouthwash to clean any leftover areas.
Your Phoenix dentists recommend flossing after every meal when you have braces. Food can easily get trapped in the tighter spaces that braces create. Ask your dental staff about which foods are safe to eat. It’s best to avoid any foods that are sticky or sugary.
Come to Kidz Connextion Dental & Braces for all your orthodontic needs. We are located in three different locations in the Phoenix, AZ, area. If you’re interested in learning more or scheduling an appointment, visit our website.
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Cleaning Your Child's Tongue
There’s no need to worry about gum disease or teeth decay when your child cleans their tongue. Doing so dramatically improves their oral health. Before learning how your child should be cleaning their tongue, learn why. The answer is simple: the tongues natural stickiness holds on to unhealthy bacteria and food debris. This causes tooth decay and other dental problems. Brushing and flossing cleans the majority of your child's mouth, but not all of it. That’s where tongue cleaning comes in.
Sure, having your child brush their tongue is better than nothing. But most grocery stores and supermarkets sell small handheld dental devices called tongue scrapers. They are made for children too! The children sizes vary by age. You’ll want to buy a scraper that covers the entire width of the tongue.
Avoid having your child use a tongue scraper before the age of five years old. Model the correct way of cleaning for them. You should always clean your tongue first before brushing and flossing.
Place your child in front of a mirror so they can see themselves. Have them stick their tongue out. While watching themselves in the mirror, help them place the scraper towards the back of their tongue. Walk them through the process of gently stroking the applicator downwards. After reaching the tip, rinse the scraper off. Do this a few times until you’re satisfied that their tongue is clean.
Kidz Connextion Dental & Braces is located in three offices in the Phoenix, AZ, area. Find us on N. 75th Ave., N. 24th St., and E. Baseline Rd. Contact each office to schedule an appointment or visit our website.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Dental Emergencies
It’s important to distinguish whether an injured tooth is an adult tooth or a baby one. Treatment and care before the appointment will vary depending upon this.
If your child has knocked out a tooth, the first thing to do is determine if they have any other injuries. If you’re worried that may be the case, contact your local pediatrician or emergency room. For an adult tooth, you’ll want to keep the tissue alive as long as possible. Keep it moist by placing it in a container of milk. Don’t worry about doing so for a baby tooth. Just be sure to bring it with to the dentist if possible.
Rinse the mouth thoroughly with warm water for a cracked tooth. Have them apply a cold compress to the face to prevent further swelling. Do this for a toothache as well. For the toothache, try to inspect their mouth to the best of their ability. Use floss to remove any possible irritants. Contact us if the pain continues.
Objects stuck in the mouth or teeth can possibly be removed with floss. Do not attempt to remove any sharp objects. Wait for dental or medical professionals.
Prevention is the key to a healthy and long-lasting life. Invest in a mouthguard for your child if they participate in any sports or recreational activities. Limit children's interactions with sharp objects. Remove trip hazards in your home and block off dangerous areas like stairs.
Kidz Connextion Dental & Braces has three locations in Phoenix, AZ. Stop by our offices on N. 75th St., N. 24th St., and E. Baseline Rd. You can visit our website to schedule an appointment or call.
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Losing The First Tooth
Every child is unique, but we don't have to tell you that! Parents shouldn't be too worried if their child loses teeth earlier or later than usual. It really all depends on how old your child was when their teeth came in. If they came in earlier, they’ll start to lose them earlier. The same goes for children whose teeth came in late.
Most infants receive their first tooth around the age of six months old. From then on they get three to four teeth every few months. By the age of two or so, your child should have all twenty baby teeth. Baby teeth will loosen approximately in the order they came in. Often, it goes bottom two middle teeth, top two middle teeth, canines, first molars, and second molars. All of the baby teeth should be gone by the ages of eleven to thirteen.
Your child may be frightened by the sensation of the loose tooth. For it to fall out, the nerve endings begin to disconnect. It makes the tooth feel wiggly and strange. The gums often become inflamed and painful. If your child complains of pain, apply a cold compress to the corresponding area on their face. Complaints of pain when eating can be met by supplementing their diet with softer, healthier food alternatives.
Kidz Connextion Dental & Braces has three locations in the Phoenix, AZ, area. Contact each individual location to schedule an appointment. Walk-ins are always welcome! Visit our website to learn more.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Dental Visits For Children With Autism
New locations can be overwhelming for children with autism. Bright lights or new smells can cause a sensory overload. That’s why we let parents bring in their children beforehand to let them acclimate to the office. Children can meet the staff and look around. There are also certain sensory supports we can accommodate. Headphones can reduce overall noise, and sunglasses can soften the brightness.
Many children benefit from watching a sibling or parent get an exam done first. This shows that there’s nothing to be afraid of. We provide them with in-depth descriptions to improve their vocabulary on these new experiences.
Including a dental routine in the home can make the dental examination easier. Many children with autism need repeated exposure to new vocabulary. Introduce and teach your child about different dental devices like toothbrushes. Help them learn how they work and the parts of the body they’re used on. Reinforcing this throughout the day can highly beneficial to your child. There are also education materials like books about dental routines or video clips.
Kidz Connextion Dental & Braces have three locations across the Phoenix, AZ, area. Walk-ins are always welcome! Visit our website to learn more about our services and locations.
Wednesday, October 2, 2019
Choosing Dental Products
When it comes to the best toothbrush for your teeth, it all depends on how well you brush and how effectively. If you brush for a full two minutes using toothpaste, that is the most important thing. For patients whose teeth need to be cleaned more thoroughly, we encourage them to use an electric toothbrush to reach the plaque that is difficult with a normal toothbrush.
While electric toothbrushes can be expensive, studies have shown people to receive better results from cleaning with an electric toothbrush as opposed to a traditional toothbrush. During your next visit with us, we can recommend the best toothbrush for your teeth.
Regardless of the toothbrush you use, remember to brush twice a day with fluoride toothpaste for the cleanest tooth possible.
To schedule an appointment, please visit one of the Kidz Connextion Dental & Braces offices located around the Phoenix area, or visit our website or call our offices.
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Cleaning Your Children's Teeth
At the age of three, you can use a dab of toothpaste to brush your child’s teeth and just water and a soft-bristled toothbrush before they turn three. Preventing cavities is important because baby teeth act as placeholders for permanent teeth.
Remember to brush or wipe your baby’s teeth after every meal to prevent tooth decay. When tooth decay forms, it can lead to gum disease and then gingivitis which can cause spacing problems for their permanent teeth.
When your children are old enough, show them how to brush their teeth themselves. The younger children know how to brush and floss the more likely they are to carry those habits for the rest of their life.
To schedule an appointment, please visit one of the Kidz Connextion Dental & Braces offices located around the Phoenix area, or visit our website or call our offices.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Sugar & Children's Teeth
Cavities are caused by tooth decay wearing down the enamel, exposing the dentin and softer tissue of the tooth. It takes about twenty seconds for your child’s mouth bacteria to convert sugary substances on the teeth into acid. This heightens the decay process, making cavities inevitable.
There are many healthy alternatives to sugary foods. Try to give your children foods like fresh fruit, vegetables, popcorn, and nuts. These do not have that much sugar in them, unlike processed foods and sweets.
Be cautious of what your child is drinking too. Read the labels on types of juices and drinks you give your child. Juice may seem like a healthy choice but many times it is full of sugar. Water is the best choice for your children to drink. It contains a safe level of fluoride that naturally fights off bacteria.
Prevention is the key to your child’s dental health. Ensure that they are brushing twice a day for at least two minutes. Both brushing and drinking water can wash away sugary substances left behind on the teeth.
Kidz Connextion Dental & Braces is located in Phoenix, AZ. To schedule an appointment, visit one of our locations or website.
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Teeth Sectioning
There are multiple reasons why your child's tooth might need to be sectioned. For teeth that are multi-rooted or have unique roots, extractions can be difficult. Wisdom teeth require sectioning when they become impacted. Many times extractions are needed to prepare a child’s mouth for orthodontics.
During the sectioning, your child will have a local anesthetic applied to their tooth. The pulp and nerve tissue will be cut. A dental handpiece (drill) will section the tooth. Throughout the process, the dentist will continue to flush the area with water. Doing so removes the bone chips and fragments. Once the tooth has been properly sectioned, the pieces are taken out.
All your child will hear is the sound of the drill and the vibrations. With the anesthetic, it will be relatively painless. Talk to your dentist about being allowed in the room with your child during the procedure. You can also talk to your dentist about strategies for keeping your child calm during or any advice for addressing any dental phobias.
To schedule an appointment, visit one of the Kidz Connextion Dental & Braces offices located around the Phoenix area, or visit our website.
Wednesday, September 4, 2019
Between the ages of 2-6 years old, your child's baby teeth will come in. If any two teeth are touching than flossing is needed. The best advice that we offer at Kidz Connextion Dental & Braces is to get your child in to the routine of flossing early. That way they understand from an early age that it should be done daily. Stress the importance of flossing, flossing for them daily until they can do it themselves. Make sure to invest in floss that is soft and flexible. This will avoid injuring their teeth and gums.
Teach your child the three basic steps for flossing. First, take about eighteen inches of floss and tie it around the middle finger on each hand. Next, hold the floss tight with your thumb and index fingers, and carefully slide it between the teeth. Finally, curve the floss around the tooth in a “C” shape. Move it up an down along the sides of the tooth.
For more tips and tricks, or to schedule your child’s dental appointment, visit one of our Kidz Connextion Dental & Braces offices in Phoenix, AZ. or visit our website.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Children & Dental Anxiety
Though the most common cause of pediatric dental fear is caused by the parents, there are other factors as well. Children who have experienced painful dental visits will have a harder time going back. The sight or feel of dental instruments can be obtrusive and alarming too. An unappealing dental setting might also make a child uneasy. This is why at Kidz Connextion Dental & Braces, we offer a child-friendly office. Pediatric dentists are experienced and specialized in making your children feel comfortable.
The best solution to pediatric dental anxiety is to create a friendly image of the dentist. Try to avoid telling your children any of your negative past experiences with the dentist. This will only make them apprehensive. Give your children positive information instead. Let your child know that there is nothing to be afraid of and that dental visits are important.
Try to get your children used to the dentist as early as possible. A child should have their first dental appointment by their first birthday at the latest.
Kidz Connextion Dental & Braces are located throughout the Phoenix, AZ., area. To schedule an appointment, visit our website or call our offices.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Choosing a Toothbrush
We encourage our patients who have trouble brushing for a full two minutes to get an electric toothbrush. Electric bristles rotate to help you remove plaque from your teeth and gums more effectively. Patients who have healthy teeth and follow good dental cleaning habits, a traditional toothbrush is effective in cleaning your teeth. The most important thing is that your teeth and gums are clean from plaque and debris.
We advise our patients who haven’t had a cleaning in the last 6 months make an appointment with us to ensure your teeth are healthy. Choosing a toothbrush can be difficult, if you have any questions on what toothbrush works best for your teeth please contact us.
Kidz Connextion Dental Care maintains office around Phoenix. To find out more, please visit our website at
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Secondhand Smoke & Childhood Cavities
Wednesday, August 7, 2019
Baby Bottle Tooth Decay
Saturday, August 3, 2019
We encourage our patients to get sealants after the first set of molars erupt to protect them from plaque. The first set of molars usually develops between the ages of 5 and 7; while the permanent sets of molars develop between ages 11 and 14. Sealants last for about 10 years and can be replaced.
Don’t forget, even with sealants we still want our patients to practice good oral hygiene by brushing and flossing twice a day. We want our patients to have the healthiest teeth and the brightest smile!
If you have any questions or concerns about sealants or our services, please visit our website at for more information. Kidz Connextion Dental & Braces maintains offices around Phoenix.
Wednesday, February 6, 2019
Pacifiers and Tooth Development
Kidz Connextion dentists are often asked by parents about weaning their small child off a pacifier. Infants are soothed to a sense of security by pacifiers, but when the time comes it is one of the hardest habits to break. It can require a great deal of persuasion, but because of the effect they can have on the growth and development of the teeth and mouth, children should stop using pacifiers by the age of two.
Prolonged pacifier use can cause changes in the shape of the roof of the mouth, prevent proper growth of the mouth, and create problems with tooth alignment. Narrowing of the roof of the mouth and misalignment of the jaws can also occur. Using a pacifier too long can also lead to a variety of complications including tilting in of the bottom teeth, and slanting in of the top and front teeth. Until the age of two, any alignment problem with the teeth or developing bone is usually corrected within six months after pacifier use has stopped. We can help and support parents having any trouble weaning their child off a pacifier before that age.
Kidz Connextion Dental & Braces maintains offices around Phoenix. To find out more, visit our website at
Thursday, January 31, 2019
Removing Braces
Now that Kidz Connextion in Phoenix offers orthodontic services, we thought our patients would enjoy learning more about what they have to look forward to after finishing major steps of their treatment. Removing braces is generally an easy process, but patients should still feel prepared for it.
We heavily emphasize to patients the importance of protecting their orthodontic brackets. They can be knocked loose by contact sports or misshapen by sticky foods such as toffee. Because of this, you may not be surprised to learn that the dental cement used to attach brackets to enamel is designed to be removable. Following the removal of elastics and wires, the dentist will compress the bracket with a plier. The deformity in the bracket will cause the dental cement to snap away from it, allowing the bracket to be lifted out.
We’ll use flat-tipped pliers to leverage out the metal bands surrounding the molars. Both methods of removing brackets are meant to prevent us from needing to pull on a patient’s enamel, although they will still feel pressure as we remove the molar brackets. Once all the metal is removed, we’ll scrape away the remaining cement. An impression of the patient’s mouth can then be taken and used to shape a retainer. The patient should be able to eat normally again by the end of the day.
Kidz Connextion Dental and Braces maintains offices around Phoenix. To find out more, visit our website at Kidz Connextion.
Friday, January 11, 2019
Causes of Gap Teeth
A gap between the front teeth may not be the most uncomfortable misalignment, but it can make people self-conscious and cause them to whistle as they speak. At Kidz Connextion in Phoenix, we provide orthodontic therapy to correct gaps (also known as diastema), but it’s important to understand their various causes since they can determine which treatment is most appropriate.
If the misalignments are only cosmetic, they may be fixable using non-invasive orthodontic means such as invisible aligners. But a gap between the top front teeth, like an overbite, may be related to behavior. Thumb sucking and tongue thrusting can result in both kinds of misalignments and will have to be corrected for orthodontic therapy to last. Tongue thrusting is sometimes done involuntarily while swallowing and help from an ear-nose-and-throat doctor may be required to fix it.
It is also possible that there is a growth on the inside of the mouth that is pushing the teeth apart. This could simply be an overly large labial frenum, which is the connective tissue between the upper lip and the upper jaw. An oral surgeon could cut away a small amount of it so the teeth will have room to move together. Children’s teeth wouldn’t usually have problems such as staining or cracks, but we can provide new crowns if there is a major problem and crowns can be guided with braces.
Kidz Connextion Dental Care maintains offices around Phoenix. To find out more, visit our website at Kidz Connextion.